Birankai North America follows a structured process for evaluating and recognizing member proficiency through promotion examinations, award of kyu and dan ranks and recognition of instructor certifications.
Kyu Rank Promotion:
A student is generally evaluated for kyu rank promotion at his or her home dojo by means of an examination conducted by the chief instructor of the dojo. Following award of a Kyu rank, the chief instructor should record the promotion on the online BNA dojo roster, as soon as possible.
While there is no fee payment required to register a kyu rank, on being awarded the rank of 5th kyu, a student should become registered as a member of Birankai North America (if they have not already done so) and acquire a Birankai passport (record of promotion and seminar attendance) from their dojo.
Dan Rank Promotion:
Dan rank promotion tests are conducted by a certified Birankai North America instructor or an examination committee comprised of certified BNA instructors authorized to evaluate the candidate for the promotion under consideration.
Upon award of a dan rank, the candidate is encouraged to submit an application for recognition and registration of their new dan grade with Birankai North America and with Aikikai Hombu Dojo within 3 months of their examination or promotion date.
- Note: We strongly encourage dan ranked members to register their dan grade promotions with both Birankai North America and Aikikai Hombu Dojo. In order to be eligible for recognition as a certified teacher by Birankai North America, candidates must have registered their dan rank promotions with Aikikai Hombu Dojo.
- For application forms and information on procedures for registration of dan grade with Birankai North America and Aikikai Hombu Dojo, please see the REGISTRATION OF DAN GRADE PROMOTIONS section, below.
- (Note: For individuals applying to join Birankai North America, the organization recognizes dan grades issued by Aikikai Hombu Dojo.)
- Read this excerpt from a 1997 article on promotion, written by T. K. Chiba Sensei.
A. Register a Dan Grade with Birankai North America
• Instructions and Application for Registering Dan Grade with Birankai North America (Click to Open PDF)
B. Register a Dan Grade with Aikikai Hombu Dojo
• Instructions for Registering Dan Grade with Aikikai Hombu Dojo (Click to Open PDF)
• Form-1: Application for Dan/Kyu Grading Examination with Aikikai (Click to Open PDF) (SHODAN to YONDAN Applicants Only)
(GODAN and ROKUDAN Applicants: contact the BNA Dan Registrar to request the appropriate form)
• Form-2: Application for Enrollment in Aikikai (Click to Open PDF) (SHODAN Applicants ONLY)
• Form-3: Application for a NEW Aikikai International Yudansha Book (Click to Open PDF) (SHODAN Applicants ONLY)
• Form-3a: Application for a REPLACEMENT Aikikai International Yudansha Book (Click to Open PDF)